Birds on Electrogrid

Project results were presented at International Swan Symposium in Estonia

Project results were presented at International Swan Symposium in Estonia

The 6th International Swan Symposium was held in Estonia, Tartu, on October 15-19, 2018. Around 60 participants from various countries took part at the event. Participants from China to the USA presented the newest research on the protection of 8 swan species. The biggest emphasis was given to the swan protection at their breeding, roosting and wintering sites. Representative of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society Julius Morkūnas introduced the LOD efforts while improving wintering conditions for swans in Kaunas city. He presented project’s actions, which aim to decrease mortality of swans due to the electrocution at the wintering sites. LOD and project partner AB “Litgrid” installed various visualization measures for increasing the visibility of the electricity lines. Dozens of birds die annually due to the electrocution in Kaunas city near the wintering sites. During the project, practical conservation measures – special markers were installed and thus the lines became more visible for swans and other waterfowl. Julius Morkūnas also shared practical findings of the project how to decrease the danger of electricity lines for birds.
The problem of electrocution becoming more actual on international level, numerous countries, including Denmark, Germany performing similar actions seeking to protect birds. Estonia is also planning to start similar actions at the wintering sites of swans close to the electricity lines. 



Projektą „Paukščių apsaugos priemonių įdiegimas Lietuvos aukštos įtampos elektros energijos perdavimo tinkluose“ (LIFE13 BIO/LT/001303) finansuoja Europos Sąjungos aplinkos finansinis mechanizmas „LIFE+“, LR Aplinkos ministerija ir projekto partneriai. Projekto pradžia – 2014 m. birželis, planuojama pabaiga – 2018 m. liepa.