Birds on Electrogrid

4th Project Monitoring Committee meeting took place

4th Project Monitoring Committee meeting took place

The 4th Project Monitoring Committee meeting took place in Vilnius on 29th of May, 2018, with participation of project’s partners’ staff as well as representatives from the Ministry of Environment, State Service for Protected Areas and the AB “Elektros skirstomieji tinklai”.

During the meeting the progress report has been presented. LOD director Liutauras Raudonikis and project manager Justina Liaudanskytė-Mažulė presented project’s activities monitoring report as well as highlighted results of the protection measures’ monitoring in 2017. Project biological experts Marius Karlonas and Julius Morkūnas reported on the birds’ mortality monitoring results within the high voltage electricity transmission grid and occupation of the nest-boxes installed on the poles of the high voltage electricity transmission grid by the Common Kestrel in Lithuania.

The presented reports were approved by the Committee and it shows project’s progress and effectiveness of the implemented activities.

The members of the Committee were informed about the planned prolongation of the project, which is related to the larger scope of the practical protection measures, i.e. marking of additional lines, installation of the nesting boxes and other protection measures. The planned activities were approved by the Committee members too.

Presentations (in Lithuanian):  
Džiugas Anuškevičius (LR Aplinkos ministerija)
Jonas Pašukonis (Valstybinė saugomų teritorijų tarnyba prie Aplinkos ministerijos)
Julius Morkūnas (LOD)
Justina Liauganskytė-Mažulė (LOD)
Laimutis Budrys (Stebėsenos komiteto pirmininkas, Valstybinė saugomų teritorijų tarnyba prie Aplinkos ministerijos)
Liutauras Raudonikis (LOD)
Marius Karlonas (LOD)
Gediminas Petkus (LOD)
Vidmantas Baliukonis (AB „LITGRID“)
Vytautas Chveckovičius (AB „Energijos skirstymo operatorius“ ESO)



Projektą „Paukščių apsaugos priemonių įdiegimas Lietuvos aukštos įtampos elektros energijos perdavimo tinkluose“ (LIFE13 BIO/LT/001303) finansuoja Europos Sąjungos aplinkos finansinis mechanizmas „LIFE+“, LR Aplinkos ministerija ir projekto partneriai. Projekto pradžia – 2014 m. birželis, planuojama pabaiga – 2018 m. liepa.